Maurice Vue Par Thanaullah Auckburally

Voyage au coeur d'une île Maurice douce, minérale, un havre de tendresse. Voilà l'univers de Thanaullah qui nous envahit de sérénité. Merci pour ce partage qui une fois de plus nous montre le talent des photographes mauriciens. Le support est magique mais aujourd'hui nous découvrons la nature reine au coeur  d'ambiances feutrées . 

Crédit photo Isfaaq Caunhye
I am Thanaullah, I was always fascinated by the world of photography and like everybody I liked to take pictures using my mobile phone. The real contact was when I was assigned to do my Final year project for my Beng (Hons) Telecommunications which was entitled "Real Time Camera Based Automatic Attendance and Reporting System.

For that project it was necessary for me to have a camera, I started with a point and shoot camera and found that I was quite limited with the possibilities that the point and shoot had.

During the same period, I remembered a friend , Isfaaq, who lives in my locality, he already owned a DSLR for few years and after having seen the pictures which he did, I was amazed and wanted to see the potential that the DSLR could offer. Since 2010 i got my DSLR and a few years later,along with my friend, we started printing our pictures on canvas and did several photo exhibitions.

N'hésitez pas à le contacter et pour suivre son travail, la page facebook par ici et son compte 500px par là!

Chacun a sa propre vision, son angle, chacun son sentiment face à une situation, voilà pourquoi il est essentiel de découvrir cette île Maurice Vue Par d'autres! Restons curieux et merci à tous ceux qui partagent leurs photos.

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